Télécharger Cubicle Shooter City v0.1

914Cubicle Shooter City v0.117/12/12 à 17:04:41Jeux163986
Fichier : CubicleShooterCity v0.1.zip
Taille : 0.802Mo 
Description :


Cubicle Shooter City par Thatotherdev est un portage de sa version sortie sur PS3.
Cet homebrew reprend l'environnement de Hero City et les modèles de personnages de Cubicle Shooter.


Quote :
This Wii port also features a new destruction mode that brings the camera down behind the player and lets you shoot square shaped holes into the walls of buildings. It’s more of a tech demo then a game mode but I’m still very proud of this part. It’s all procedural. The city’s geometry becomes more complex as you shoot it up and once it reaches a certain point it resets and sends you back to the main menu.

http://thatotherdev.com/2012/12/07/cubicleshootercity-v0-1-wii/ Site officiel : http://thatotherdev.com/2012/12/07/cubicleshootercity-v0-1-wii/

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