Minishlink's Library v1.3 (MLlib) - News

Minishlink's Library v1.3 (MLlib)

Posté par le 23/01/11 à 15:11:02
1164 affichages, 0 commentaire

La MLlib (ou Minishlink's Library) est une bibliothèque simple créée par Minishlink, permettant de développer sur la Nintendo Wii. Techniquement, c'est un wrapper de la libogc et d'autre librairies. Cette bibliothèque a été créée car l'auteur avait besoin d'une librairie pour pouvoir coder avec des fonctions simples. Elle utilise GX pour le dessin, libpng pour la gestion des PNG, FreeTypeGX pour les fontes TTF et des libs de la libogc...


Version 1.3
- Compatible with DevkitPPc r22, libogc 1.8.6 and libfat 1.0.8.
- FreeTypeGX updated (0.3.1)
- Metaphrasis updated (0.1.2)
- uthash updated (1.9.1)
- fixed: ML_AnimateSpriteEx & ML_AnimateSpriteEx2
- added: ML_EnableTextureAntiAliasing() (AA is disabled by default)
- added: ML_DisableTextureAntiAliasing()
- modified: ML_DrawRect() now can be filled or not (and bug with color fixed)
- added: ML_DrawCircle(x, y, radius, rgba, filled)
- fixed: Issue #1 (finally! :D).
- fixed: possible buffer overflow with sprite texts.
- fixed: sprite texts were not at the right y coordinate.
- fixed: no more skipped characters with sprite texts when auto jumping lines. (and textBox)
- improved: TTF text speed-up
- fixed: Underline and strike now applying well when jumping lines with TTF fonts
- fixed: Jumping lines correctly with TTF fonts.
- fixed: anti-aliasing with modified textures
- added: u32 ML_ElapsedTime()
- added: ML_Wait(ms)
- fixed: possible code dump with ML_DrawRect() (forgot GX_End, lol)
- fixed: ML_ElapsedTime() now returns the true elapsed time since the app launch (not since Wii launch)
- modified: ML_DrawText -> You can now use arguments !
- modified: ML_DrawText -> Use \n and \t instead of %n and %t, also use #cX instead of %cX
- updated: template Makefile, now type "make emu" and if you have Dolphin Emulator installed, the dol will load immediately ! :)
- fixed: Code dump when using ML_DrawText(), you have to use #n and #t instead of \n and \t, sorry.
- fixed: possible weird things happening on the screen
- Added strucutre ML_TextInfo to store infos about a text to be drawn (width, height, numbers of characters that will be printed) returned by ML_GetTextInfo()
- documentation update
- optimizations Site officiel : Site officiel :
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