WiiColEm 0.2 - NewsWiiColEm 0.2Posté par orwel le 07/03/11 à 18:35:54 1955 affichages, 0 commentaire WiiColEm par Raz0red est un émulateur ColecoVision. Plus exactement, c'est un portage de Colem version 2.5.2 par Marat Fayzullin. Version 0.2 - Cartridge-specific overlays - Default keypad (controller) image for cartridges without specific overlays o Ability to set the default keypad (controller) size - Ability to specify whether to use cartridge-specific overlays (global and per-cartridge). - GX based scaler o Ability to adjust screen size to any size/dimensions via the "Screen Size" option under "Display". If this is entered after loading a cartridge, the last frame will be displayed to assist in sizing. - USB support - SDHC support - Classic Controller Pro support - Support for ColecoVision MegaCart(R) - Fixed Lord of the Dungeon save/load state issues - Fixed Opcode memory expansion save/load state issues - Fixed save/load state bug causing the palette to not be restored correctly (Aquattack, War Room) - Ability to set Wiimote orientation (sideways/upright) for navigating menus - Firing in Aquattack is now supported via the right analog stick (GameCube, Classic/Pro controllers). - Fixed bugs caused by pressing multiple keypad buttons simultaneously Source : http://wiibrew.org/wiki/WiiColEm Site officiel : http://www.twitchasylum.com/ Télécharger WiiColEm 0.2 Pages: 1 Messages:
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