Priiloader 0.8 bêta 2 - News

Priiloader 0.8 bêta 2

Posté par le 08/03/12 à 23:42:51
1995 affichages, 0 commentaire

Daco et phpgeek viennent de mettre à jour leur propre version du preloader mais totalement open-source.
Celui-ci dispose des mêmes caractéristiques et utilise les mêmes hacks que le preloader de Crediar.

Cette version est une bêta, donc version test, et qui dit version test dit version instable. Soyez donc sûrs d'être protégés en cas de dommage (bootmii as boot2, priiloader).

Pour rappel, preloader/priiloader est un programme qui permet de vous protéger de certains bricks de la Wii en s'installant par dessus le menu système.

Version 0.8 bêta 2
hacks_hash update : block updates from disc fix for < 4.0
priiloader : 0.8 B2 : updated http parser to support redirects.

lower memory allocation cause i can. STILL BORED HERE >_>

fixed typo's from r149

changed the "show gecko output" to "dump gecko output". this will dump the output to your fat device, to prii.log. keep in mind that this option can still make priiloader alot slower because of the writing to the device

fixed issue 145 for good this time (i hope)

Installer : updated to delete the nfo file containing the arguments of the installed file
Priiloader : deleted the setting that i added; its bullshit anyway. changed the patch from davebaol to Teuidj's cause his is cleaner...And i like clean shit.

make argument code shorter on load and longer on instllation & less stupid

added argument&ahbprot support for autoboot/installed file

reset the entrypoint back to what it was (81000000). this is experimental as we lowered it long ago to get more memory. but since we use mem2 now this might work this time. please test every aspect of priiloader when using this rev and do be carefull! bootmii @ boot2 is advised.
we also added arguments to our dol loader and changed the meta/xml processing to use ugly strstr. next step : arguments for autoboots (hint hitn r-win you jackass :P )

fix the dol loading some more...

old hacks method removed (i warned you guys :P ) & some extra cleanup

holy shit! the first actual fix since the release of 0.7! :P
just a rare case that could screw up things i noticed thanks to miigotu(yes you jackass :P ) (+cleanup) Source : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Priiloader 0.7 et 0.8 bêta 2

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