Configurateur pour configurable usb loader v52.4 - News

Configurateur pour configurable usb loader v52.4

Posté par le 10/02/10 à 13:13:31
1854 affichages, 1 commentaire
Dr. Clipper nous propose son utilitaire, permettant de configurer entièrement le fameux loader usb du même nom.

Version 52.4
* Added button remapping options
* Changed home from global option to theme option with overrides
* Added new excape character, %, to translation to encode special chars.
* %\, %#, %| and %% can be used to display \,#,| & % chars.

Version 52.3
* Added write_playlog option to match v52b2

Version 52.2
* Added menu command to perform online update of the Configurator.

Version 52.1
* Added a menu bar with common features and some new actions (see below)
* Added the ability to view and download Cfg versions (also backs up old boot.dol, just like Cfg)
* Changed default cover URLs to match the ones planned for use in Cfg v52b

image image Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Configurateur pour configurable usb loader v52.4

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