NUS Auto Downloader v4.1.5 - NewsNUS Auto Downloader v4.1.5Posté par Attila le 12/07/10 à 13:08:34 2227 affichages, 17 commentaires En effet, il suffit de répondre à des questions simples (en anglais) comme le firmware que vous voulez installer, il téléchargera automatiquement les fichiers nécessaires et les placera dans un dossier approprié que vous n'aurez plus qu'à copier sur votre carte SD. Ensuite, vous pourrez installer les fichiers grâce à I/S Wad ou encore Pimp My Wii. Version 4.1.5 * Added "USB-Loader Setup" Feature, which will generate a custom guide and download all the files needed to set-up your hard-drive, customize your usb-loader (configurable USB-Loader) and manage games (using Wii Backup Manager). Based on your answers, it will add some custom lines to the config.txt file used by configurable USB-Loader. * Added 'on-the-fly error reduction technology'. Files are verified after they are downloaded, if files are missing or fail MD5 Hash checks, the file will be deleted (if applicable) and Re-Downloaded. Existing files are now only Skipped if they are successfully verified, otherwise, they too will be deleted and Re-Downloaded. Note, that each file will only attempt to be downloaded 2 times, if it fails MD5 hash checks twice, it will move on to the next file in the cue (this is to prevent never ending loops in the event of real changes to the hosted files). * Files that used to be hosted on myfail.net (ie. Priiloader hacks.ini) are now hosted elsewhere. This will solve the 'Priiloader Hacks Missing' problem. * Updated MD5 hash database (since many files changed after the 4.3 update), this will stop false-positive errors from occurring. * Updated diff files for cIOS creation (this was necessary since the base wads changed on NUS servers) * fvc is now used instead of sfk to verify downloads (sfk was not listing errors when NUSAD is in exe form) * On the Verify/Download Log page, the window size will increase automatically to fit all the text (removed the +/- options to increase and decrease window size). Also on this page, added an option to ®epeat Download (this is useful to fix any errors that may have occurred in the download). * When changing the Drive Letter, to Continue using Current Settings, leave the selection blank and type enter (instead of old method of having to type 'C') * Replaced lines consisting only of a single period '.' with a real blank line in the Custom Generated Guides. * Renamed "Support" Folder to "modules" (modules folder required for fvc.exe to work properly, so rather than having both Support and modules folders, I just chose one) * Added/Updated the following files to the Download Database: o Wii Backup Manager v0.3.5 beta1 o FAT32 GUI Formatter o Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 249 version) o Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 222 version) o 'USB-Loader' Folder (Most recent version for Configurable USB-Loader) o Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent version) o Shop Channel's updated to version 19 (latest version) o IOS58v6175 (this was not available on NUS prior to the 4.3 update) o IOS61v5661 (IOS61 updated to latest version - required to use shop channel) o IOS70v6913(IOS70v6687 Patched) (changed the version number to be 1 greater than IOS70 Stub IOS so that it will survive official updates) o IOS80 (4.3 SM IOS) o IOS80 patched (4.3 patched SM IOS) o IOS80v54321(IOS60Patched) (4.3 patched SM IOS that will protect Region Changed formerly Korean Wii's from 003 errors in the event of an official update) o STUB IOS70 (normal IOS70 still available for download, both patched and non-fakesigned) o STUB IOS254 updated from version 260 to version 65280 * Other minor changes. ![]() ![]() Pages: 1 Messages:
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