cIOSX rev21 d2x v7 alpha1 - NewscIOSX rev21 d2x v7 alpha1Posté par abdel69jutsu le 07/07/11 à 14:12:01 8836 affichages, 16 commentaires cIOSX rev21 d2x par davebaol, xabby666 et XFlak est une modification du cIOS v21 de waninkoko. La différence vient du changement de certains modules de l'IOS, corrigeant divers bugs principalement avec des jeux WiiWare, mais ajoutant également le support des jeux problématiques "IOS Reload", et rend inutile les fichiers "dol alternatif". d2x v7 alpha1 - ESP: Disabled nand emulation before returning to system menu or channel. - ESP: Improved error 002 fix after ios reload block. Now Wii Fit Plus channel installation works properly. - EHCI: Patched interrupt vector in IOSP module. - EHCI: Implemented callback in interrupt mode. - EHCI: Tinyehci code completely rewritten so to work in interrupt mode (by rodries). - EHCI: Changed timers management. - EHCI: Increased thread priority from 0x48 to 0x78. - EHCI: Added a waiting loop on module's startup to check mload is ready. - EHCI: Watchdog removed for the moment. - MLOAD: Removed support for base IOSs with old version like IOS38 v3610. - MLOAD: Fixed os_restart_timer syscall with the correct number of arguments. - MLOAD: Changed timing logic. - FFSP: Removed support for base IOSs with old version. - FFSP: Minor changes and code clean up. - FAT: Added auto detection of the first FAT partition on the device. - FAT: Open files tracking rewritten. - FAT: Minor changes and code clean up. Source : http://tgames.fr.nf/news-wii/ciosx-d2x-v7alpha1-t6890.html Site officiel : http://gbatemp.net/t277659-ciosx-rev21d2x-v2-yet-another-hot-fix? Télécharger cIOSX rev21 d2x v6 et v7 alpha1 Pages: 1 Messages:
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