Bootmii n'est pas mort - NewsBootmii n'est pas mortPosté par Attila le 16/04/09 à 21:06:26 2707 affichages, 28 commentaires Bushing a posté cet article sur son blog Quote : Just a brief note, since I haven't written in a while Yes, Marcan has shifted his attention to things non-Wii related. I can hardly blame him; the only reason any of us do what we do is because we find it fun, so when it stops being fun — what's the point? He's still around, if you know where to look, and I hope that once we release BootMii, we'll see some neat projects emerge from it. Yes, BootMii is still alive; I still can't promise a release date, but most of the code has been written and we're now to the point of testing it out and adding some polish. It's been installed on about 12 Wiis so far and nobody's been bricked; I hope that we can release a "public beta" within the next couple of weeks. (In this case, "public beta" will mean "we've tested this out quite a bit and are fairly confident that you won't regret trying it, but not everything is finished and we can't make too many promises). I would expect those of you who have older Wiis (i.e. those who have a vulnerable boot1) to have an easier time installing it, but we intend to eventually add support for as many of your Wiis as possible. Ce qui donne ne gros que BootMii est encore en vie, qu'aucune date de sortie ne peut être dite pour l'instant mais la plupart du code a été écrit. Ils l'ont installés sur 12 Wiis (dont aucune n'as brické). Ils espèrent aussi envoyer une Béta publique dans quelques semaines. Comme vous pouvez le voir sur l'image, le bootmii aura un menu "à la preloader" en plus joli. Merci à linkleguerier pour la news. Source : http://hackmii.com Pages: 1 Messages:
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