Emulateur GameCube / Wii : Dolphin rev3661 - NewsEmulateur GameCube / Wii : Dolphin rev3661Posté par Attila le 05/07/09 à 21:42:44 6567 affichages, 15 commentaires Chose étonnante, il fait mieux tourner les jeux officiels que les Homebrew, même si certains marchent aussi dessus. Version 3661: - Good news, the Duel Core bug has been corrected. we can now enjoy ZWW and SMG in its full speed goodness! bins comming soon. - This has to be one of the best releases we have done in a long time! With Super Mario Galaxy and Zelda Wind Waker both having functing sound. Also, Super Mario Galaxy having its Graphical issues fixed and is now completelly playable! Download and post some screen shots on the Super Mario Galaxy thread in the previous news post! Check the svn changes for more details on whats been changed/fixed in the source code. - Mario Kart DD is fully working as well with sound. - We are aware real wiimotes are not working currently and its being looked at now. Pages: 1 Messages:
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