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Posté par Attila le le 23/01/14 à 22:56:58
2942 affichages, 11 commentaires

Nintendo a tenté d'empêcher une entreprise italienne de fournir des services de hack de consoles (Wii/Wii U/DS/3DS).

Les arguments de la boite italienne sont qu'ils ne font que permettre l'accès à des lecteurs de vidéos ou de MP3 tout en n'allant pas à l'encontre de copyright.

Nintendo peut seulement se protéger d'actes non autorisés de reproduction, communication ou d'offre publique de contenu soumis à copyright.

Hors ici, ça n'interdit pas l'utilisation d'équipement de hack. Ils ne peuvent donc qu'interdire l'utilisation de jeux piratés.

RAPPEL : Vous comprendrez donc pourquoi il est totalement interdit de parler sur le site de jeux obtenus illégalement. Source :

Posté par Attila le le 12/01/14 à 23:42:10
2651 affichages, 1 commentaires

UAE Wii par Simon Kagstrom et Fabio Olimpieri (Oibaf) est un portage du célèbre émulateur amiga UAE.


Version 10
Added Gamecube controller support
Added graphic virtual keyboard with IR Wiimote pointer called by "+" button
Added Wiiflow support
Added new menus to save and load 5 configuration files
Added audio menu with new options
Path of last selected file remembered in the menu
Added Picasso96 memory configuration
Added number of floppies configuration
Added refresh rate option
Added blitter exact cycle option
Added 24/32 bit cpu address space option
Chip memory up to 8MB
Consistency check of configuration options with gui messages
Automatic reset emulator after memory or kickrom change
Removed noise entering the GUI
Fixed bug in blitter exact and adreess space configuration
Fixed bug in sound floppy configuration
Fixed bug in page up/down
Patch to increase rendering speed in double buffer mode
Case insensitive file order in the file menu Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Emulateur Amiga : UAE Wii v10

Posté par Attila le le 12/01/14 à 14:04:23
3300 affichages, 4 commentaires

RetroArch se met déjà à jour pour corriger des bugs présents dans la dernière version.


Fix audio float overflow bugs – fixes Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer, Tsumi to Batsu/Sin and Punishment (on PC)
(iOS) Added hack to assem_arm.c’s “verify_dirty” return function to make GoldenEye work
Alternate controls work differently now – you start with Original controls – press ‘Select’ to toggle ‘Alternate Controls’
(Core) Added MusyX ucode for RSP HLE – fixes sound in these games – affects games like Hydro Thunder, Gauntlet Legends, Biohazard 2/Resident Evil 2, etc. Graphics in Resident Evil 2 still messed up though with RSP HLE – change to CXD4 RSP for now to render the graphics accurately.
(Core) Other incidental changes.
(Core) Some preliminary work on getting graphics to show up in Conker’s Bad Fur Day for glN64

Memory leaks and other bugfixes courtesy of Alcaro

Input changes courtesy of Jacobeian – MIGHT finally fix long-standing input bugs
FBA Full should work again
New Input Settings option – Analog to D-pad mapping Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger RetroArch v1.0.0.1 : Emulateur Multi Plates formes

Posté par richardjouir le le 11/01/14 à 14:49:06
2909 affichages, 0 commentaires

Wiimms ISO Tools et Wiimms WBFS Tool est un ensemble d'utilitaires réalisé par Wiimm.

wit v2.25a r4825 - 2014-01-03

- New option --auto-split: If set, the tools try to find out, if an image split is needed. The split size is then either below 4 or 2 GiB. Auto-Split base on tests with fseek() and works fine under Linux, but it don't work with Cygwin. Mac is unknown. In future versions --auto-split is enabled by default. It is disabled by any other split option.

- New option --no-split: Disable file splitting at all. At the moment and in old versions of the tools, this is the default.

- wwt CHECK+REPAIR: Support for option --sections.

- Windows only: Cygwin update to v1.7.27 2013-12-09.

wit v2.24a r4723 - 2013-11-10

- The Windows installer will now force type REG_EXPAND_SZ for path variables.

- wit DOLPATCH: Wrong calculation for address aligning fixed.

- New sub command for "wit DOLPATCH": ENTRY=address: Define a new entry point.

- Title data base updated.

- Windows version only: Update to Cygwin v1.7.25. I hope that it fixes the bug that occurred during creation of MKW-Fun 2013-10 with Windows 8.1.

(Image de qtwitgui) Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger WIT: Wiimms ISO & WBFS Tools v2.25a r4825

Posté par richardjouir le le 11/01/14 à 14:39:45
3107 affichages, 0 commentaires

Wiimms, auteur des outils de manipulation de fichier image de jeu WIT/WWT, propose une nouvelle mise à jour de cet outil.

szs v1.31a r4828 - 2014-01-03

- BMG handling: \c{color} escape sequences in text output are now enabled by default. To be compatible with old tool versions (v1.22a released at 2013-09-14 and older versions), use option --no-color.

- wctct: Support of hex coded filenames for the 32 original tracks.

- Windows only: Cygwin update to v1.7.27 2013-12-09.

- New option: wstrt --all-ranks: Manipulate a query for Nintendos servers, so that all players in a region are found independent of their ranking points.

szs v1.30a r4810 - 2013-12-27

- Object export (wkclt DECODE & wkmpt DRAW):
- The default for normals changed. Normals will only be included if the keyword NORMALS of option --kcl is set. The new default is better for the SketchUp OBJ importer plugin in time and correctness.
- The ambient color of the material 'Ka' is not longer defined.
- Bug fix: If the object needed more than 65535 vertices, then a wrong OBJ was written with indices modulo 65536.

- wkmpt DRAW: The following objects are drawn in correct size and with a recognizable form and color: itembox, obakeblockSFC*, dokan*, karehayama and all trees.

- KCL: Improved error system, if a KCL has more than 65535 normals. Before aborting, the normals are rounded in multiple steps to find duplicates.

szs v1.29a r4788 - 2013-12-13

- Command 'wkmpt COBJECT' was renamed to the more intuitive name 'wkmpt DRAW'. The old command name can still be used.

- Option --draw has now a short twin: -w

- Option --draw supports the new keyword SOLIDOBJECTS: Draw all solid objects without any route as a blue octahedron. At the moment, the native object size, scaling and rotation are ignored.

- Command 'wkmpt DRAW --draw ITEMBOXES' draws itemboxes like in-game as a grey cube with a vertex down. The color for itemboxes with special items for players or enemies is dark grey.

- New KCL script functions: tri$createOctahedron(), tri$createAntiPrism() and tri$createAntiArrow().

szs v1.28a r4771 - 2013-12-09

- There was a disorder using the escape sequences '%E' and '%T' for file extensions/types. '%E' included a leading point, '%T' only sometimes. Henceforth both will include then leading '.' or are empty, if no file extension is available. So the earlier '%N.%T' becomes '%N%T'.

- Command wkmpt COBJECT will now also draw the start position with area, the respawn positions with area, the POTI routes and standard itemboxes. See for details.

- Command wkmpt COBJECT: Check points with quadrilateral warnings are drawn in red. This option can be disabled by --draw=-warn.

- New KMP check: Test, if all enemy and item root points are inside of at least one convex check point quadrilateral.

szs v1.27a r4742 - 2013-11-24

- Bug fix: Occasional a triangle was marked as invalid by mistake, if it was inserted by the script function tri$create() (option --kcl-script).

- Minimap fixing: From now the minmum and maximum values of the MDL.s1 root are set too.

- KMP check: A test added, which controls, that the check points are not to near together and that they build convex quadrilaterals.
See for check details.

- KMP check: Some WARNINGS are HINTS now.

- New transformation option: --tform-script=script
The script is loaded and a macro is called for every vertex. So it is possible to add user defined and also non linear transformations.
See for details.

- New parser functions: status(), len2(), hlen2(), sideOfLine(), ptInConvexPolygon(), ptsInConvexTri(), ptsInConvexQuad().
See for details.

szs v1.26a r4726 - 2013-11-10

- Bug fix: A patched file was not marked as dirty (and not written), if only BMG was patched and only with modes 'ID' or 'ID-ALL'.

- New option --export (-X): Enable the export modus and create small and machine readable text files for easy post processing. The option works similar like -HBB for KMP and like -HBl11 for BMG text files.

- Windows version only: Update to Cygwin v1.7.25. I hope that it fixes the bug that occurred during creation of MKW-Fun 2013-10 with Windows 8.1. Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Wiimms SZS Tools v1.31a r4828

Posté par richardjouir le le 11/01/14 à 14:07:05
2401 affichages, 0 commentaires

postLoader, par stfour, est un utilitaire vous permettant de lancer des homebrews ou des forwarders, en autoboot ou manuellement, directement après le priiloader. Vous pouvez l'installer en autorun après le priiloader en utilisant l'option "Load/Install File" de ce dernier.

postLoader 4.6.1

* emuBrowser: fixed dsi when browsing ntfs partitions
* changed hourglass icon with something more "modern"
* new locking method for covercache thread
* various fixes

postLoader 4.6.0

* now every mode allocate it's structure to mem2... tested with up to 23767 unique roms (thank abz)
* emuBrowser: now all partiotions should handled correctly
* various fixes

postLoader 4.5.4

* emuBrowser: introduced some more checking, like rom name checking. Only one rom is added if the same path is specified on another plugin
* fixed a memory issue with screensaver
* much faster ms_strcmp function. This should speedup a lot of operations
* various fixes

postLoader 4.5.3

* emuBrowser: Reduced memory occupation. Depending on roms path names, also more then 50%
* minor fixes

image image

image image

Fichiers neekbooter.dol,, plugins et forwarder inclus dans l'archive Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Postloader 4.6.1 : Lanceur d'homebrews

Posté par Attila le le 09/01/14 à 03:14:11
2127 affichages, 0 commentaires

TailTale est un jeu de type puzzle porté par Rikku2000. Les lignes de blocs arrivent du bas, il suffit de rassembler au moins 4 blocs de la même couleur verticalement ou horizontalement pour les faire disparaître.


Version 1.5
- Fix Android SDL for Screensize
- Add SDL makefile for NDS & GBA (needed for NDS/GBA Build)
- Add GBA Support
- Fix Android Build
- Add Serverlist for Multiplayer
- Add a new sound for Portable Devices (Multiplayer)
- Add PSP Network code to open WLAN on PSP/PSPGO
- Add two new option for Multiplayer
- Fix some Graphics issus on game draw.
- Add some code to Multiplayer and Fix some Bugs.
- Remove SDL_net from gamecode and replace with Network Protocol
- Support for SDL2 (Beta)
- Fix some code for System / Portable Devices
- Fix some Bugs and issus

Version 1.4
- Add New Graphics, Sounds and Music
- Fix some code in Menu
- Fix some code for System / Portable Devices
- Add Day and Night Background (change by System Time)
- Add Language Support (English, German, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, French, Spanish)
- Add Multiplayer (PoC - only Windows / Linux)
- Fix some Bugs and issus
- Support for Android Device Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger TailTale v1.5

Posté par Attila le le 07/01/14 à 15:07:34
2425 affichages, 6 commentaires

RetroArch est un émulateur multi plates formes utilisant la libRetro, et permettant ainsi d'avoir le même code pour les versions Wii, Xbox, pc etc, et la libRetro s'occupe de tout ce qui est spécifique à la plate forme.


Version 1.0.0
VBA Next performance improvements - all games should now play at fullspeed more or less (even games like Final Fantasy 5/6)
Revised menu - should now have the same functionality as all other RetroArch versions
New 'Detect Core' function - you no longer have to switch a core and then select a ROM - with this mode you can select a ROM and RetroArch will look at the file extension and start the core associated to it. If there are multiple cores that support this file extension, then it will give you a list of supported cores and you can select which one you want to use.
Much improved OpenGL driver - the PS3 version of RetroArch should now have the
lowest input/video latency out of all RetroArch versions (with the exception of maybe KMS/libdrm on Linux).
Comes with MAME 2003 now. Mortal Kombat 1/2/3/Ultimate should all play at fullspeed with the DCS Hack enabled.
Many more changes... Site officiel : Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger RetroArch v1.0.0 : Emulateur Multi Plates formes

Posté par Attila le le 06/01/14 à 13:32:15
2037 affichages, 0 commentaires

GCMM (GameCube/Wii Memory Manager) par suloku permet de gérer vos sauvegarde GameCube.
Version 1.4
- Désactivation de la vérification __sector_erase() lors de la restauration brute vu que certaines cartes non officielles ont des problèmes avec ça. Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger gcmm (memory card manager) 1.4c

Posté par Attila le le 05/01/14 à 11:40:46
1966 affichages, 3 commentaires

TicTacToe par crayon est un jeu de morpion (ou Tic Tac Toe).

Version 0.8
- Peut être joué avec 2 Wiimotes
- Affichage des FPS en appuyant sur le bouton +
- correction du meta.xml
- Mise à jour de librairies :
libogc 1.8.11
libfat 1.0.11
Mini-XML 2.6
UTF-8 CPP 2.3.4
Boost 1.52
GRRLIB 4.3.2
FreeType 2.4.4
libpngu (libpng 1.6.8 and zlib 1.2.8)

image Site officiel :
télécharger Télécharger Wii-Tac-Toe 0.8

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